Taranaki Taekwon-Do   'keeping the art alive'
Demonstration Patterns
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Kodang is the Pseudonym of the patriot Cho Man Shik, who dedicated his life to the
Korean Independence Movement and to the education of his people.

Ready Posture - Closed ready stance C
Movements – 39

1. Move the right foot to AC to form a sitting stance toward AD, at the same time executing a
middle pushing block to AD with the left palm.
2. Execute a middle punch to AD with the right fist, maintaining a sitting stance toward AD.
3. Move the right foot on line CD, forming a right L-stance toward D while executing a middle
guarding block to D with the forearm.
4. Execute a low block to AD with the right outer forearm and a middle side block to D with
the left inner forearm, maintaining a right L-stance toward D.
5. Move the left foot to BC forming a sitting stance toward BD, at the same time executing a
middle pushing block to BD with the right palm.
6. Execute a middle punch to BD with the left fist, maintaining a sitting stance toward BD.
7. Move the left foot on line CD, forming a left L-stance toward D while executing a middle
guarding block to D with the forearm.
8. Execute a low block to BD with the left outer forearm and a middle side block to D with the
right inner forearm, maintaining a left L-stance toward D.
9. Turn the face toward C forming a left bending ready stance B toward D.
10. Execute a middle back piercing kick to C with the right foot.
11. Lower the right foot to C, forming a right L-stance toward D while executing a middle
block to D with the left knife hand
12. Turn the face toward C forming a right bending ready stance B toward D.
13. Execute a middle back piercing kick to C with the left foot.
14. Lower the left foot to C, forming a left L-stance toward D while executing a middle block
to D with the right knife hand
15. Move the right foot to C, forming a right L-stance toward D while executing a downward
thrust to D with the left straight elbow.
16. Move the left foot to C, forming a left L-stance toward D while executing a downward
thrust to D with the right straight elbow.
17. Move the left foot to D to form a left walking stance toward D while executing a pressing
block to D with the right palm.
18. Move the right foot to D to form a right walking stance toward D while executing a
pressing block to D with the left palm.
19. Move the right foot to C forming a right L-stance toward D, while executing a downward
block to D with the left outer forearm.
20. Move the right foot to D forming a left L-stance toward D, while executing a downward
block to D with the right outer forearm.
21. Move the left foot to D, forming a right rear foot stance toward D, at the same time
executing an upward block to D with the left palm.
22. Move the right foot to D, forming a left rear foot stance toward D, at the same time
executing an upward block to D with the right palm.
23. Move the right foot to C, forming a right rear foot stance toward D, and then execute a
middle side front snap kick to D with the left foot, keeping the position of the hands as they
were in 22.
Perform 24 and 25 in a continuous motion:
24. Lower the left foot to D, forming a left walking stance toward D while executing a high
inward strike to D with a twin knife-hand.
25. Execute a rising block with the left knife hand, maintaining a left walking stance toward D
26. Execute a low guarding block to D with a knife hand, while forming a right L-stance
toward D, pulling the left foot.
27. Execute a downward punch to D with the right fist while forming a left walking stance
toward D, slipping the left foot.
28. Move the left foot to the side rear of the right foot and then slide to C, forming a right L-
stance toward D while executing a middle guarding block to D with a knife hand.
29. Jump and land on the same spot, forming a right L-stance toward D while executing a
middle guarding block to D with a knife hand.
30. Jump to D to form a right X-stance toward BD, while executing a high side strike to D with
the right back fist.
31. Move the left foot to C, forming a left walking stance toward C, at the same time
executing a high side block to C with the left outer forearm.
32. Move the left foot on line CD, forming a right walking stance toward D while executing a
high side block to D with the right outer forearm.
33. Move the left foot to D, forming a right L-stance toward D, at the same time executing an
upset punch to D with the right fist and bringing the left side fist in front of the right
34. Execute a middle hook kick to A with the right foot.
35. Lower the right foot to A, forming a left L-stance toward A while executing a high cross
cut to A with the right flat finger tip.
36. Bring the right foot to the left foot and then execute a middle hook kick to B with the left
37. Lower the left foot to B, forming a right L-stance toward B, at the same time executing a
high cross cut to B with the left flat finger tip.
38. Bring the left foot to the right foot, and then move the right foot to A forming a left L-
stance toward A, at the same time executing a high guarding block to A with a knife hand.
39. Bring the right foot to the left foot, and then move the left foot to B forming a right L-
stance toward B, at the same time executing a high guarding block to B with a knife hand.
END: Move the left foot to a ready stance C facing D.

Dale Cope
Dale Cope Is named for the legendary artist and scholar Dale Copeland.   The 56 movements of this pattern refer to her age when she started Taekwon-Do. The pattern diagram represents indomitable spirit, evident in her undying dedication to Taranaki Taekwon-Do, its instructor and her fellow students.

Note: This pattern was created by Mr. Brent Flynn, for his thesis when grading to 3rd Dan with Taranaki Taekwon-Do.

Dale Cope
Ready Posture - Parallel Stance with a Twin Side Elbow
1. (H)  Move the left foot to C forming a left L-stance while executing a low reverse knife hand block.
2. (H)  Jump to D to form a left X-stance while executing a high inward strike to D with the left knife-hand while bringing the right side fist in front of the left shoulder.
3. (F)  Move the right foot back to C forming a left walking stance while executing a middle front punch with the right fist.
4. (H)  Step forward with the right foot toward D forming a right rear foot stance while forming a right elbow thrust to D.
5. (H)  Slip the left foot to C forming a right L-stance while executing a low knife-hand guarding block.
6. (H)  Jump to C to form a right X-stance to C while executing a high inward strike to C with the right knife-hand while bringing the left side fist in front of the right shoulder.
7. (F)  Move the left foot back to D forming a right walking stance while executing a middle front punch with the left fist.
8. (H)  Step forward with the left foot towards C forming a left rear foot stance while executing a left elbow thrust to C.
9.  Execute a middle side kick to D (pulling hands back), retract right leg.
10. (to H)  Jump to D to form a right X-stance toward BD while executing a low front punch with the left vertical fist toward D, bringing the right fist onto the left shoulder.
11. (to H)  Jump to C to form a left X-stance toward BC while executing a low front punch with the right vertical fist toward C, bringing the left fist onto the right shoulder.
12.  Execute a right reverse hooking kick to AC.
13. (H)  Place the right foot on the ground toward C in a right L-stance while forming a guarding block toward D.
14. (H)  Pivoting on the left foot anti-clockwise, placing the right foot on the ground toward D, forming a knife-hand guarding block toward C.
15.  Execute a middle front snap kick with the left foot toward C.
16. (H)  Place the left foot on the ground forming a left fixed stance toward C while executing a middle side punch to C with the left fist.
17. (to H)   Execute a midair strike to D with the right knife-hand, then landing toward D in a left L-stance with the right arm extended.
18. (H)  Move the right foot forward to form a right fixed stance toward D while executing a downward knife-hand strike with the right hand toward D.
19.  Jump to execute a flying front kick to D with the right foot.
20. (F)  Land to D forming a right walking stance while executing a twin fist vertical punch to D.
21. (F)  Move the right foot on the CD line forming a sitting stance while executing a right nine-shape block toward B.
22. (F)  Pull the left reverse footsword to the right knee joint forming a right one-leg stance toward B while executing a parallel block with the outer forearm.
23.  Pivot on the right foot and execute a middle side piercing kick with the left leg toward D.
24.  Place the left foot on the ground toward D and execute a high spinning reverse turning kick toward D.
25. (H)  Retract the right foot and jump toward D to form a right X-stance while executing a right knife-hand strike to D.
26. (H)  Pivot on the right foot forming a right rear foot stance toward C on the CD line while executing a high guarding block toward C.
27. (to F)  Move the right foot to C with a stamping motion to form a sitting stance facing A while executing a W-shape block.
28. (to F)   Move the left foot to C with a stamping motion to form a sitting stance facing B while executing a W-shape block.
29. (F)  Pull the right reverse footsword to the left knee joint forming a left one leg stance toward B while executing a parallel block with the outer forearm.
30.  Pivot on the left foot and execute a middle side piercing kick with the right leg toward C.
31.  Place the right foot on the ground towards C and execute a high spinning reverse turning kick toward C.
32. (S)  Retract the left foot and jump to C to form a left X-stance while executing a left knife-hand strike to C.
33. (H)  Pivot on the left foot to face D while moving the right leg toward C forming a left walking stance and execute a back elbow strike with the left elbow to C while placing the finger belly on the left fist. Perform this in slow motion.
34. (F)  Remain in a left walking stance and execute a middle left front punch toward D while placing right finger belly on top of left elbow.
35. (H)  Execute a downward block with an alternate palm while forming a right rear foot stance toward D pulling the left foot.
36. (H)   Execute a right middle front punch to DA while forming a right L-stance toward D slipping the left foot.
37. (H)  Execute a low inward block to D with the left reverse knife-hand while shifting to C maintaining a right L-stance toward D.
38.  Execute a right turning kick toward AD.
39. (F)  Place the right foot on the CD line forming a sitting stance facing B and execute a high reverse right knife-hand strike to B.
40. (S)   Remaining in sitting stance execute a open back hand strike toward D with the right hand.
41.  Execute an inward vertical kick to the right palm with the left reverse footsword.
42. (F)   Place the left foot on the CD line forming a sitting stance facing A and execute a high reverse left knife-hand strike to A.
43.  (S)  Remaining in sitting stance execute an open back hand strike toward D with the left hand.
44.  Execute an inward vertical kick to the left palm with the right reverse footsword.
45.  Execute a middle side piercing kick to D with the right leg. (Perform 44 and 45 in a connecting motion.
46. (F)  Place the right foot toward D forming a right walking stance and execute a left front elbow strike toward D striking the right finger belly.
47. (F)  Move the right foot to the CD line and turn forming a left walking stance toward C and execute a right front elbow strike striking the left finger belly.
48. (H)  Execute a downward block with an alternate palm while forming a right rear foot stance toward C pulling the left foot.
49. (F)  Execute a right high punch to CB while forming a right L-stance toward C.
50. (H)  Execute a low inward block toward C with the left reverse knife-hand while shifting to D maintaining a right L-stance.
51.  Execute a middle right turning kick to BC.
52.  Execute a skipping high side piercing kick to C.
53. (H)   Move the right leg to C pivoting on the left foot and forming a left walking stance toward D and execute a right back elbow strike while placing the left finger belly on the right fist. Perform in slow motion.
54. (F)  Extend both hands upward as if to grab the opponents head while maintaining a left walking stance toward D.
55.  Execute an upward kick with the right knee while pulling both hands downward.
56. (H)  Place the right foot down towards D forming a right walking stance while executing a left downward elbow strike (with a stamping motion).
END: Bring the right foot back to the ready posture.

Neill Liv
Neill Liv is named for the inspiring mentor and Instructor Neill Livingstone. The 49 movements of this pattern refer to his age when he successfully graded to 6th degree black belt. The pattern diagram represents his passion and perseverance, clearly evident in his dedication to the Taranaki Taekwon-Do club and its students. Movement 19 is performed in slow motion to denote the 20 years since Mr Livingstone formed the Taranaki Taekwon-Do club in 1993. Whereby it has empowered its students with the skills and attitude to build a more peaceful world. The continuation of the pattern signifies Taranaki Taekwon-Do's longevity and prosperity as it flourishes into maturity. The 5 stamping motions in this pattern refer to the last figure of Mr Livingstone's age, 25, when he first started Taekwon-Do in 1987. The 'L' shape of the pattern diagram is derived from Mr Livingstone's favourite quote: 'Lead, follow or get left behind'
Close Ready Stance C was used in tribute to the Hwa-Rang Youth Group and its Code of Conduct:
Be loyal to your king
Be obedient to your parents
Be honourable to your friends
Never retreat in battle
Make a just kill

This pattern was created by Mr. Connor Auker, for his thesis when grading to 3rd Dan with Taranaki Taekwon-Do.

Neill Liv
Ready Posture: Close Ready Stance C
1. (F)  Move the right foot to D in a stamping motion, forming a right walking stance while executing a high vertical punch to D with a twin fist.
2. (H)  Shift the right foot back, forming a right rear foot stance towards D while executing a scooping block with the right palm.
3. (H)  Execute a middle punch to D with the left fist while forming a left L stance toward D, slipping the foot. Perform 2 and 3 in Connecting Motion.
4. (F)  Move the left foot to D in a stamping motion, forming a left walking stance while executing a high vertical punch to D with a twin fist.
5. (H)  Shift the left foot back, forming a left rear foot stance towards D while executing a scooping block with the left palm.
6. (H)  Execute a middle punch to D with the right fist while forming a right L stance toward D, slipping the foot. Perform 5 and 6 in Connecting Motion.
7. (H)  Execute a low inward block to D with the left reverse knife-hand while shifting back to C, maintaining a right L stance.
8. (to H)  Jump to D, forming a right X-stance toward DB while executing a high guarding block to D with a knife-hand.
9. (H)  Move the left foot to C, while pivoting counter clockwise, form a right L stance toward C, executing a middle punch to C with the left fist.
10. (H)  Move the right foot to C forming a left L stance toward C while executing a downward strike with the right back hand. Perform in a stamping motion.
11. (F)  Execute a low front block with the right knife-hand in a circular motion, hitting the left palm while bringing the right foot to the left foot to form a close stance toward A.
12.  Execute a pressing kick to D with the left foot, maintaining the position of the hands in 11.
13.  While lowering the left foot beside the right foot, turn clockwise, executing a high spinning reverse hook kick towards D with the right foot. Form a guarding block whilst performing kick.
14. (H)  Lower the right foot to D, forming a left fixed stance toward D while executing a punch with the right middle knuckle fist.
15. (H)  Bring right foot to left foot, and form a left walking stance towards C, executing a high block to C with the left double forearm.
16. (F)  While maintaining a left walking stance towards C, execute a front strike to C with the right back fist.
17. (to H)  Jump to C, forming a right X-stance to CA while executing a rising block with the left Arc hand towards C.
18. (F)  Move the left foot back to form a right walking stance toward C, while executing a high Long Fist Strike to C with the right hand.
19. (F)  Move the left foot on to the line AB, forming a parallel stance with a twin side elbow toward C. Perform in slow motion.
20. (F)  Execute an angle punch to D, with the right fist while sliding to A, forming a sitting stance toward C.
21. (H)  Execute a left middle vertical punch to A while forming a left vertical stance towards towards A, pulling the left foot.
22. (to H)  Execute a sweeping kick to A with the right side sole and lower it to A forming a right fixed stance toward A while executing a U-shaped grasp toward A.
23. (to H)  Bring the left foot to the right foot, turn and face B, while forming a right Bending Ready Stance A toward B.
24.  Execute a middle side piercing kick to B with the left foot.
25. (to H)  Lower the left foot to the right foot, execute a flying spinning back kick with the right foot toward B landing at B, forming a left L stance with a knife hand guarding block.
26.  Bring left foot to the right foot and execute a left middle vertical kick with the foot sword towards C.
27. (F)  Lower the left foot and form a left walking stance toward C while executing a pressing block with an X-fist.
28. (F)  Execute a middle wedging block with the knife hand, maintaining the left walking stance toward C. Perform 27 and 28 in continuous motion.
29. (RH)  Execute a circular block to BC with the right knife hand, while maintaining a left walking stance toward C.
30. (RH)   Execute a circular block to B with the left reverse knife hand, forming a right walking stance toward BD.
31. (H)  Move the right foot to D forming a left L stance toward D while executing a low guarding block to D with a reverse knife hand.
32. (F)  Move the left foot to D forming a left walking stance toward D while executing a high crescent strike to D with the right arc hand.
33.  Execute a middle front snap kick to D with the right knee, while pulling both hands in the opposite direction as if grabbing on to the opponents neck.
34. (F)  Lower the right foot to D, forming a right walking stance toward D, while striking the right palm with the left front elbow.
35. (H)  Move the right foot on line CD, then turn counter clockwise to form a left fixed stance while executing a high thrust to C with the left flat fingertip.
36. (H)  Move the right foot to C forming a left L stance toward C, while executing an upward punch with the left fist.
37. (RH)  Move the left foot to C, forming a left walking stance toward C, while executing a high block to BC with a double arc hand while looking through it.
38. (H)  Slide to D to form a right L stance toward C, while executing an inward block to C with the left outer forearm.
39.  Move the right foot to C, then execute a flying spinning vertical kick with the right foot in a scissors action toward C.
40. (H)  Land to C, after placing the left foot, form a left L stance toward C while executing a middle forearm guarding block to C.
41. (F)  Bring the left foot to the right foot, to form a close stance toward A while executing a side front block with the right inner forearm while extending the left forearm to the side downward.
42. (F)  Move the left foot to A forming a left walking stance toward A, while executing an upset punch to A with a twin fist.
43. (to H)   Jump to A, forming a left X-Stance toward AC while executing a high front strike to A with the right knife-hand and bring the left backhand in front of the forehead.
44. (H)  Move the left foot counter clockwise to B, forming a right L-stance toward B, while executing a middle outward strike to B with the left knife-hand.
45. (H)  Move the right foot to B forming a left L-stance toward B while executing a low block to B with the right forearm, pulling the left fist under the left armpit.
46. (H)  Execute a middle punch to B with the left fist while maintaining a left L-stance toward B bringing the right fist over the left shoulder.
47. (H)  Move the left foot to B executing a pressing block with a twin palm, while forming a right rear foot stance toward B.
48. (H)  Bring the right foot to the left foot, then move the right foot to BD in a stamping motion to form a right L stance toward BD, while executing a high side strike to BD with the right back fist.
49. (H)   Bring the right foot to the left foot, then move the right foot to AD in a stamping motion to form a left L stance toward AD, while executing a high side strike to AD with the left back fist.
End: Bring the left foot back to Ready Posture.